
Showing posts from January, 2019

Local Energy Trading Markets

Market framework for local energy trading: a review of potential designs and market clearing approaches Mohsen Khorasany, Yateendra Mishra, and Gerard Ledwich, 2018, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution This review paper contains over a hundred references to various aspects of its topic, and the principal aim of this post is to identify those which are at present available on open access. The paper is presented in the following sections, each of which is followed here by the reference numbers in the original. Introduction [2, 6, 7, 8] Local Energy Trading [17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23] Market Players [47, 63, 72, 73, 78, 89] Optimization objective [37, 38, 50, 51, 52, 53, 60, 72, 73, 78, 90] Overview of different market clearing approaches [98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109] Discussion and analysis [112] Conclusions and future works References: [2] A tale of two visions: Designing a decentralized tr...

Fuel-Efficient Driving

How to support fuel-efficient driving? (2018) by Ekaterina Gilman et al.  published in IET Intelligent Transport Systems doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2016.0280    There are many ways in which the emissions from road transport can be reduced. An appropriate initial choice of vehicle, together with suitable maintenance, may be thought of as a strategic decision. This paper concentrates on tactics and operation; issues of route selection and driver behaviour, and in particular the technical systems available to inform them.    The authors acknowledge that cultivating sustainable change in driving behaviour is difficult, and that this needs to be reflected in the design of any form of technical assistance. (Readers may notice points in this study which are analogous to issues in other areas of energy saving, such as domestic heating). The paper reviews the literature on driving assistance systems, and notes some general points. Feedback to the driver o...

Quantitative application of Infrared Thermography

Some earlier posts referred to the importance of improving the thermal efficiency of existing buildings in order to reduce carbon emissions associated with heating. Retrofit 2050 concentrated on methods of measuring the thermal performance of buildings when the thermal properties of the materials used are unknown. Retrofit of buildings: citations and extracts referred to recent work on improving methods of thermal measurement. Energy Efficiency in Buildings provided links to energy performance standards. Many papers on thermal measurement focus on assessing the U-values of existing structures. Standard methods involve the use of both temperature and heat-flow measurements and are typically time-consuming and demanding. Effort has been directed to reducing the difficulties and producing quicker results, in some cases by eliminating the need for heat flow measurement. Reducing measurement time without loss of accuracy remains a goal. The infrared thermograph...

Electric Cars and On-street Charging

The link between ownership of electric cars in the UK and the provision of charging facilities is explored in the following articles. This is Money, 23 February 2017, reported that the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) made £1 million available to fund installations during the current financial year and an additional £1.5 million for 2017/18. Residents who want one of the twin charge points added on their street need to ask their local authority to take up their case, funding then being allocated on a first-come first-served basis. See: A BBC news article on charging EVs ( February 2018 ) opened with the question “What if you live in a flat?” The option of ask ing the local authority to install a street charg ing point is described, OLEV ha ving set aside £4.5m to support such applications over the next two years, and offering to pay up to 75% of the costs of ins...