
Showing posts from May, 2024

Long Views

The Summit of the Future is a United Nations event planned for New York in September. “ At the Summit , countries are expected to adopt a Pact for the Future that covers five areas: sustainable development and related financing; international peace and security; science, technology, innovation and digital cooperation; youth and future generations; and transforming global governance” (UN news, 2023). According to Pham (2024) the summit is “intended to revive a multilateral system built for a different era”. She claims that “no other platform for reforming global governance can compete with a summit that convenes all countries, great and small.” Pham described the initial draft of the Pact for the Future as “a timid text” characterised by reaffirmations rather than decisions and stressed the need for it to “look ahead to the governance of new and emerging global challenges”. However, she regards a proposed Declaration on Future Generations as an inspired idea. The Declaration “would...