4th Energy and Society Conference

The 4th Energy and Society Conference was held at the University of Exeter on the 3rd-5th September. 

This was an international and interdisciplinary event, and its scope is indicated by the program headings: Public Engagement; Justice and Vulnerability; Theory, Concepts and Methods; Politics and Governance; Dynamics of Demand; and Locality, Energy and Community.

Apart from plenary sessions, events ran in parallel, and were of two kinds, presentations of papers, and workshops. A few examples of event titles will indicate the range of topics: ‘Citizens’ views on the future transition towards decentralized renewable energy’; ‘The impact of Energy Policies and Measures on Energy Poverty in the Mediterranean Countries’; ‘Plug into your energy: energy platforms and the future of the decentralized grid’; ‘Energy transition between climate protection, profit orientation and regional interests’; ‘What would you do to keep the lights on in your community?’; ‘Putting shared ownership of renewable energy projects into practice: practical challenges and policy turbulence’.

The interdisciplinary nature of the conference meant that most presentations were accessible to non-specialists; some topics will be developed in subsequent posts, from the viewpoint of community energy.

At the time of posting, outline details of the conference are available at
and the conference program can be viewed at


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