Retrofit of buildings: citations and extracts

Retrofit was the subject of a post on 12th October, in which the following open access paper was mentioned:

A response-factor based method for the rapid in situ determination of a wall’s thermal resistance in existing buildings

Arash Rasooli et al., 2016, Energy and Buildings.
In view of the possible relevance of the content to practical measurements on buildings considered for retrofit, a list of papers which cite Rasooli et al. are given below, together with brief extracts. Those which are available on open access are noted.
Applying an artificial neural network to assess thermal transmittance in walls by means of the thermometric method 
Bienvenido-Huertas, D., Moyano, J., Rodríguez-Jiménez, C.E., Marín, D.
Applied Energy
Most of the existing building stock has a deficient energy behaviour. The thermal transmittance of façades is among those aspects which most affect this situation. In this paper, the calculation procedure with correction for storage effects from ISO 9869-1 was applied to the thermometric method to determine the U-value. Due to the need for determining the number and type of layers that compose the wall to apply the calculation, a multilayer perceptron has been developed to estimate the U-value.
Description of multilayer walls by means of equivalent homogeneous models 
Gori, P., Evangelisti, L., Guattari, C.
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
The accurate characterization of building envelopes represents the first step to realize a model of built structures, upon which is possible to work for the design of appropriate retrofit measures. External building walls, indeed, are one of the most significant paths of heat transfer between outer and inner environment and, as such, their control is crucial to go in the direction of energy saving. Simple models that capture the essential thermal characteristics of building walls, which are usually layered structures, would be desirable.
Performance gaps in energy consumption: household groups and building characteristics 
van den Brom, P., Meijer, A., Visscher, H.
Building Research and Information
The difference between actual and calculated energy is called the 'energy-performance gap'. Possible explanations for this gap are construction mistakes, improper adjusting of equipment, excessive simplification in simulation models and occupant behaviour. Many researchers and governmental institutions think the occupant is the main cause of this gap. However, only limited evidence exists for this. Therefore, an analysis is presented of actual and theoretical energy consumption based on specific household types and building …
The feasibility of improving the accuracy of in situ measurements in the air-surface temperature ratio method 
Kim, S.-H., Lee, J.-H., Kim, J.-H., Yoo, S.-H., Jeong, H.-G.
Open Access
This paper reports on a feasibility study conducted to improve the in situ measurement accuracy of the air-surface temperature ratio (ASTR) method. The measured relative error rate was analyzed using the ISO 6946 [7.69 W/(m 2· K)] and Korea Energy Saving Design Standard [9.09 W/(m 2· K)] indoor total surface heat transfer coefficients. The relative error rate was analyzed according to fluctuations in outdoor temperature data. The relative error rate obtained using the ISO 6946 standard was analyzed about 6.3% …
A new metre for cheap, quick, reliable and simple thermal transmittance (U-Value) measurements in buildings 
Márquez, J.M.A., Bohórquez, M.Á.M., Melgar, S.G.
Sensors (Switzerland)
Open Access
This paper deals with the thermal transmittance measurement focused on buildings and specifically in building energy retrofitting. Today, if many thermal transmittance measurements in a short time are needed, the current devices, based on the measurement of the heat flow through the wall, cannot carry out them, except if a great amount of devices are used at once along with intensive and tedious post-processing and analysis work. In this paper, from well-known physical laws, authors develop a methodology …
A new transient method for determining thermal properties of wall sections 
Robinson, A.J., Lesage, A.F.J., Reilly, A., (...), O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O.
Energy and Buildings
This investigation outlines a straight-forward and low cost methodology for determining thermal properties of wall structures. The method eliminates the need to produce a step change boundary condition, and the error inherent in the departure from a step change that finite properties necessarily impose. The transient technique involves an experimental component whereby a high temperature thermal ramp boundary condition is applied to one wall face with the other exposed to the cooler ambient surroundings.
Alternative method for on site evaluation of thermal transmittance 
Jankovic, A., Antunovic, B., Preradovic, L.
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering
Open Access
Thermal transmittance or U-value is an indicator of the building envelope thermal properties and a key parameter for evaluation of heat losses through the building elements due to heat transmission. It can be determined by calculation based on thermal characteristics of the building element layers. However, this value does not take into account the effects of irregularities and degradation of certain elements of the envelope caused by aging, which may lead to errors in calculation of the heat losses. An effective and simple method …
Comparison of transient hygrothermal modelling against in situ measurement for thermal transmittance  (  Book Chapter)
Flood, C., Scott, L., Gleeson, W.
Building Information Modelling, Building Performance, Design and Smart Construction
Thermal transmittance (U-values) of exterior walls represents a source of uncertainty when estimating the energy performance of dwellings. It has been noted in research that the standard calculation methodology for thermal transmittance should be improved. Subsequently, hygrothermal analysis has been used as an accurate building design tool due to its incorporation of climate-specific effects on construction assemblies such as moisture retention and release. In situ measurement of thermal transmittance …

A new simple method to measure wall thermal transmittance in situ and its adaptability analysis 
Meng, X., Luo, T., Gao, Y., (...), Shen, Q., Long, E.
Applied Thermal Engineering
The Simple Hot Box-Heat Flow Meter Method is proposed to measure the wall thermal transmittance conveniently in situ with the high accuracy on the basis of the previous study, while it avoids the heavy equipment of the Hot Box Method and overcomes outdoor and indoor thermal environment limitation of the Heat Flow Meter Method. According to these, this study mainly analyzed the determination method of the hot box dimension and the effect of the heating temperature by the numerical simulation.
Improved governance for energy efficiency in housing 
Visscher, H., Meijer, F., Majcen, D., Itard, L.
Building Research and Information
Open Access
Current practices show that the goals of energy saving and CO2 reductions for creating an energy-neutral building stock can only be reached by strict and supportive governmental policies. In Europe the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) are driving forces for member states to develop and strengthen energy performance regulations both for new buildings (via building approval procedures) and the existing building stock (via energy performance certificates or labels).

Predicting energy consumption and savings in the housing stock: A performance gap analysis in the Netherlands 
Majcen, D.
A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment
The research used several large datasets, about dwellings theoretical energy performance, most of which were related to energy label certificates. All the datasets containing theoretical performance were merged with actual energy data. In addition to that, some were also enriched with socioeconomic and behaviour related data from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) or from surveys which were designed for the purpose of this research.


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