Indoor Air Quality
Three main groups of pollutant have been distinguished as affecting indoor air quality.
to Schieweck et al., [1] they are outdoor air pollutants,
occupant-related pollutants, and building-related pollutants. Those
entering a building from outside include carbon monoxide (CO),
benzene (C6H6), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), oxides of
nitrogen(NO, NO2), and particles. Pollutants mainly produced by
occupants include CO2, bio-effluents and particulate matter. Those
originating from the materials used in building construction,
furnishing and indoor equipment are typically volatile organic
compounds, and also viruses, fungi and bacteria.
levels of such pollutants may clearly be important to the health of
occupants, but are of particular concern if energy saving measures
are taken which may increase the concentration of any pollutants by
reducing ventilation levels. Such measures are of interest to many
Community Energy groups in the UK, where domestic heating efficiency
is a major concern, and the paper will be considered mainly from that
questions arise; what are the safe levels of the various pollutants,
and how are they measured? The World Health Organization has provided
guidelines for acceptable levels of selected indoor air pollutants. A
2005 publication [2] covered Particulate matter, Ozone, Nitrogen
dioxide, and Sulphur dioxide, and 2010 guidelines [3] covered
Benzene, Carbon monoxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Formaldehyde,
Naphthalene, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Radon,
Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene.
et al. point out that “Most studies have used CO2, temperature and
relative humidity as indicators of thermal comfort.” They have
taken their figures for CO2 levels from a 2008 German Federal
Environment Agency study [4]. Since CO2 level may well be a preferred
measurement in the context of energy saving through reduction of air
change rates, a section from the study is quoted:
over 150 years, carbon dioxide has been an acknowledged indicator of
indoor air quality. To estimate the air quality in mechanically
ventilated buildings, DIN EN 13779 proposes four different levels of
indoor carbon dioxide concentration. However, apart from the early
guideline value of 1000 ppm carbon dioxide recommended by Pettenkofer
in 1858, there is no actual guideline value for naturally ventilated
buildings. Regarding recent intervention studies, the German Working
Group on Indoor Guideline Values of the Federal Environmental Agency
and the States´ Health Authorities therefore recommends the
following guide values, based on health and
considerations: concentrations of indoor air carbon dioxide below
1000 ppm are regarded as harmless, those between 1000 and 2000 ppm as
elevated and those above 2000 ppm as unacceptable.”
et al. discuss sensors for measuring pollutant levels, and give the
required range and detection limit for some types:
Pollutants Measuring range Detection limit
[mg/m3] [µg/m3]
monoxide 0–100 100
Benzene 0–200 0.2
dioxide 0–500 10
Ozone 0–500 20
PM10 0–400 1
PM2.5 0–400 1
PM1 0–400 1
values of pollutants measurement in a variety of sites are also
given; examples of figures for CO2 are listed below together with air
change rates.
[per hr] CO2 [ppm] Comment
0.2 655 Low energy residential buildings Lithuania
2.9 1306 Low energy school buildings France
0.6 < 1000 Passive houses Sweden
0.5 < 1000 Energy efficient houses France
--- 587 Retrofitted houses Finland
--- 849 Retrofitted houses Lithuania
--- 1360 Energy efficient buildings Austria
0.304 --- High performance homes California
--- 914 Retrofitted homes United States
paper goes on to discuss in detail issues relating to the suitability
of sensors for domestic environments, and their use with online
technology, databases and mobile devices. Present limitations are
noted, for example in measuring volatile organic compounds with cheap
sensors, as is the need for “miniature, battery-operated and
low-power devices”, potential solutions being still under
development. Other issues raised include data security, the possible
benefits to elderly occupants of environmental sensors, and the need
for behavioural adaption to realise the full potential of the smart
paper provides extensive references to the literature.
Smart homes and the control of indoor air quality by
Alexandra Schieweck et al., 2018 (open access)
WHO World Health Organization. Air quality guidelines - global
update 2005. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2006.
WHO World Health Organization. WHO guidelines for indoor air quality:
selected pollutants. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2010
(open access)
Umweltbundesamt. Gesundheitliche Bewertung von Kohlendioxid in der
Innenraumluft. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundh – Gesundh
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