Individual Carbon Footprint


What is a carbon footprint? According to Wiedmann and Minx (2008), “There is no consensus on how to measure or quantify a carbon footprint. The spectrum of definitions ranges from direct CO2 emissions to full life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions and not even the units of measurement are clear.” The authors test the concept with a series of questions, asking whether greenhouse gases other than CO2, such as methane, can be components of a carbon footprint, and even those which, like nitrous oxide, contain no carbon. They question whether the carbon footprint of a “product, process or person” should be confined to direct emissions, or whether it should “reflect all life-cycle impacts of goods and services used”. After illustrating a range of definitions found in publications in 2006-7 the writers propose their own: "The carbon footprint is a measure of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the life stages of a product."

As an example of a carbon footprint calculation, they cite a report on UK households, which suggested that the carbon footprint of an average UK household was 20.7 tonnes of CO2 in 2001. This comprised emissions resulting from private cars; direct fuel use in the home; electricity in the home; aviation and public transport; recreation, leisure and tourism; food, drink and catering; household appliances; clothing and footwear; health, hygiene and education; other goods and services. Heating and car use represented direct emissions, and indirect emissions were “the emissions that occur during the generation of electricity and the production of goods and services” whether produced in the UK or elsewhere.

Birnik (2013) wrote that while “carbon calculators can play an important educational role in increasing public awareness, a key challenge at present is that there does not exist any standard or consensus regarding how personal carbon footprints should be calculated.” He defined a carbon footprint as amounting to “the greenhouse gas emissions generated by a person or household within a specified time period”, and proposed a set of principles to which a personal carbon footprint calculator should conform. These include requirements that emissions estimates should account for methane and nitrous oxide as well as carbon dioxide, and be based on 100-year global warming potential (GWP) conversion factors; consumption-based footprints should be made regardless of where goods and services are produced; estimates should take into account the user’s income or consumption and the household size rather than using national averages, and should model housing emissions in detail, noting energy use, goods, repairs and maintenance, food and transport; and calculations should be based on up-to-date and geographically specific emission factors. Birnik evaluated and rated a range of carbon calculators, providing detailed notes on each. He commented on a number of typical shortcomings: documentation is generally very poor; most fail to provide comprehensive carbon footprints including most greenhouse gas emissions of a user; none appeared to have based their estimations on consumption based data; and most did not adjust for income or consumption and for the number of people living in a household. Further, the popularity of the calculators did not appear to be correlated with the quality ranking as defined in his paper.

Birnik’s principles helped guide the basis of comparison used by Mulrow et al. (2019) in a study on publicly available carbon footprint calculators that focus on the individual. The authors noted that the simplest calculators only consider energy-related activities; others consider lifestyle, consumption, food and travel, and some offer advice on reducing carbon emissions.  As well as input categories such as home energy, transport, food and water, the depth of measuring inputs was examined, for example by reference to green energy options, flight categories and food emissions. User engagement was evaluated through the display of emission values by category, country and world averages, and final value, and calculators were rated on outputs such as advice for lowering emissions, likely consequent carbon reduction, and on educational value. The results of evaluations on 31 calculators, assessed by 15 criteria, are discussed and results displayed as radar plots. The highest scores were for calculators by Carbon Independent, with Carbon Footprint Ltd and Cool Climate Network second and third; other calculators with notable high performance measures were WWF, ISCFC and Carbotax.  A survey of users showed that while more than half had used a carbon footprint calculator previously, only a minority could recall their calculated footprint measure. About three quarters of participants reported knowing little about their home energy use, and few could relate quantities such as 1 kg of CO2 or 1 kWh of energy to daily activity. The writers believed that there is much work to be done in improving carbon footprint calculators’ approach to user interaction and behaviour change, perhaps by better integrating with mobile phone/sensor technologies, and that calculators could easily move beyond simply calculating carbon emissions, to include economic, social and environmental metrics.

A study by Barendregt, Biørn-Hansen and Andersson (2020) moves beyond “traditionally calculated emissions based on user input about … food, heating, and traveling”, by using data derived from their transactions. A novel carbon calculator, called Svalna, “aims to provide users with a detailed insight into their GHG emissions based on their consumption by making use of transaction data from bank statements” thus simplifying and automating data collection. Data from the user’s bank is “paired with data on GHG emissions per monetary unit … estimated using Environmental Extended Multi Regional Input Output analysis (EE-MRIO) for Swedish conditions.”  Data on fuel type and consumption and annual mileage is found from the Swedish Transport Agency using the car’s registration number, and the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning provides data on average energy use from the user’s home address. The user supplies data on dietary choices, food waste, physical activity, and commuting habits.  While many users were willing to connect their bank account, others “perceived safety risks in doing so” and had limited confidence in “the correctness of the estimated greenhouse gas emissions.” Further work is planned to investigate “whether Svalna causes users to reduce their emissions significantly.”

Burgui-Burgui and Chuvieco (2020) note the shortcomings of carbon calculators highlighted by previous authors, and describe their Carbon Footprint Observatory, named CO2web. This was intended to promote citizens’ awareness about personal GHG emissions and encourage “behavioral change though focused recommendations”. It presents the scientific basis of climate change, the concept of CF and its calculation, and explores lower emission alternatives to habitual behaviour regarding food, transportation, clothing, hygiene, home appliances, IT/devices and pets; it also includes a personal CFC, preceded by an explanatory section. Users are offered “the possibility of comparing the results with people of similar characteristics”, by age, sex, work, place of residence, level of studies; and gives an “analysis of the reasons that could explain why their emissions were higher or lower than the average values” for their group. Initial results indicate that the first version of the site can be used directly for educational purposes in schools and universities, and future work “will focus primarily on evaluating the response of users, as well as the changes experienced regarding their awareness and actions taken towards a low-carbon life.”

Children do not appear in the list of categories found in a typical carbon calculator, but the difficult, highly personal and emotive issue of offspring is addressed by Murtaugh and Schlax (2009), who consider the future environmental consequences of the reproductive choices of an individual. They note that “should the offspring reproduce, additional impacts could potentially accrue over many future generations” and they attempt to quantify these impacts “by tracing a single female’s genetic contribution to future generations and weighting her descendants’ impacts by their relatedness to her”. The carbon emissions of descendants, thus weighted, are then reckoned as the responsibility of their ancestor. A parent’s genetic material “propagates through subsequent generations”, and multiplying its amount by the “per-capita rate of carbon emissions over time” allows a value to be estimated for the carbon legacy of an individual.

The calculations clearly depend upon life expectancy, fertility, and expected carbon emissions per person, and so will vary greatly from region to region. Estimates were made for eleven countries, using three different emission scenarios: optimistic, with global emissions falling to 0.5 t CO2 per person per year by 2100; constant, with emissions remaining at the 2005 global average figure of 4.31 t per person per year; and pessimistic, with emissions rising to 1.5 times their 2005 value by 2100, and continuing to rise thereafter. The scenarios all assume the figure for fertility projected by the United Nations in 2007. Since these converge for all nations to 1.85 children per woman by 2050, the genetic contribution of a single individual declines in later generations, allowing a finite emissions legacy to be calculated. The largest average legacy figure per individual on the constant emissions scenario is found in the USA, at 9441 t CO2 (5.7 times the life time emissions of the ancestor); Bangladesh has the smallest average legacy figure, at 56 t CO2. These figures are compared, for the USA, with the lifetime emissions savings possible from measures such as reducing travel and improving home energy efficiency: having one fewer child far outweighs such savings in the constant and pessimistic emissions scenarios, and is somewhat greater even in the optimistic scenario. The authors point out that this comparison does not reduce the urgent need cut present emissions.


Barendregt, W., Biørn-Hansen, A.  and Andersson, D., (2020), Users’ Experiences with the Use of Transaction Data to Estimate Consumption-Based Emissions in a Carbon Calculator, Sustainability 2020, 12(18), 7777

Available at

Birnik, A., (2013), An evidence-based assessment of online carbon calculators, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,  Volume 17, September 2013, Pages 280-293

Accessed from

Carbon Footprint Ltd calculator

Carbon Independent calculator

Carbotax calculator

Cool Climate Network calculator

CO2web Carbon Footprint Observatory

ISCFC calculator

Mulrow J., et al. (2019), The state of carbon footprint calculators: An evaluation of calculator design and user interaction features, Sustainable Production and Consumption Volume 18, April 2019, Pages 33-40

Murtaugh, P., and Schlax, M., (2009), Reproduction and the carbon legacies of individuals, Global Environmental Change 19 (2009) 14–20

Wiedmann, T. and Minx, J. (2008), A Definition of 'Carbon Footprint. In: C. C. Pertsova, Ecological

Economics Research Trends: Chapter 1, pp. 1-11, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY, USA.

Published as ISAUK Research Report 07-01, available at

WWF calculator


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