Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage




The need to limit the harmful effects of climate change is a powerful motive for preventing carbon dioxide emissions from entering the atmosphere, and for removing CO2 that is already there, but there can be subsidiary aims associated with carbon capture, and there are many methods of accomplishing it.

According to a definition published in 2014, “Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) encompasses methods and technologies to remove CO2 from … flue gas and from the atmosphere, followed by recycling the CO2 for utilization and determining safe and permanent storage options” (RCN-CCUS, 2014a). A definition of carbon capture and storage (CCS) used by Torvanger (2020) “refers to a group of technologies that reduce emissions of carbon dioxide from coal-fired or gas-fired power stations, or from process industries."

The term sequestration is also used for the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere or from combustion gases, and permanent prevention of its return to the atmosphere. Since captured CO2 may be used in ways that do eventually return it to the atmosphere, carbon capture is not necessarily the same as sequestration. Dieter Helm makes a distinction between two types of sequestration, natural and industrial, and uses the term carbon capture and storage to refer to the latter, “siphoning off carbon from power stations and industrial sites and then piping it into storage wells, such as old oil and gas fields, salt cavities, and possibly even into the deep sea” (Helm, 2020, p.146). He regards natural carbon sequestration, “the stuff nature does for us for free all the time” (p.12) as including recarbonisation of soils, regeneration of peat bogs, the planting of trees that would not otherwise have been planted, and the creation of new coastal marshes (pp. 93-4). Fawzy et al. (2020) include these methods in their list of widely discussed negative emissions techniques, adding “biochar, enhanced weathering, direct air carbon capture and storage, ocean fertilization, ocean alkalinity enhancement, soil carbon sequestration, as well as … mineral carbonation and using biomass in construction.”

CCS may have a long future. Wiseman (2017) attempted to chart the major developments of the coming decades that could together avert climate disaster. He included CSS among these, suggesting that the amounts of carbon removed from the atmosphere would reach 0.5 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent each year (GtCO2e pa) during the decade 2020-2030, 2 GtCO2e pa during 2030-2040, and 5 GtC02e pa during 2040-2050. After 2050, “strengthening our capacity to efficiently and equitably sequester C02” would still be a crucial global priority. Sequestration would be needed until we are able to completely abandon fossil fuels, and perhaps until we reduce atmospheric CO2 to pre-industrial levels. 

Torvanger summarised the three stages of (industrial) CCS as capture of CO2 from exhaust gas or other industrial emissions; pressurizing CO2 and transporting it by pipeline or ships to a geological storage site; and injecting it “deep into a geological structure that can sequester the gas for eternity”. Langholtz et al. (2020) discuss bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), particularly with regard to the “scale and cost of CO2 sequestration from BECCS in the US”, which may have “an untapped potential of about 750 to 1050 million tonnes of biomass per year”. Much of this may come from “wastes, agricultural residues, and forestland resources, which do not displace food crops”. The carbon in biomass has been fixed from the atmosphere, and the “CO2 emissions from biomass combusted for energy are captured and stored below ground.” Thus BECCS can be considered as a negative-emissions technology (NET) along with afforestation, direct air capture, land management, ocean fertilization, and enhanced weathering (GCCSI, 2018). Langholtz et al. include in their discussion some of the objections to BECCS, such as the possible losses of biodiversity and food security referred to by the IPCC in its 2018 Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ◦C; nevertheless they note that three of the four potential pathways described in the report as leading to achievement of its targets rely on BECCS.

Carbon capture

The British Geological Survey article “Understanding carbon capture and storage (CCS)” refers to several methods of carbon capture, of which three can be used when fossil fuels are burnt at power plants (BGS, 2020). Post-combustion methods remove CO2 after burning the fossil fuel; pre-combustion techniques trap CO2 before the fuel is burnt; and oxyfuel combustion is the burning of fossil fuel in oxygen instead of air.

Post-combustion capture normally involves chemical methods to trap CO2, but the process is influenced by the fact that flue gases typically contain impurities such as nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides as well as CO2. This form of capture can be retrofitted to existing power plants. Abu-Zahra et al. (2016) describe the post-combustion process in detail. Pre-combustion techniques involve an initial stage in which the fossil fuel is partially burned to form a synthetic gas from which CO2 can be captured efficiently; the process is cheaper than post-combustion, but cannot be retrofitted. Oxyfuel combustion is the burning of fossil fuel in oxygen rather than air, yielding almost pure carbon dioxide that can be transported and stored. The BGS article comments that while this may be the “most effective method of the three, the initial oxygen burning process is energy intensive”.

Issues surrounding natural carbon sequestration are discussed by Helm (p. 143 ff.). He sees it as having “the potential not only to make net zero an achievable goal, but to do this in a way that produces multiple other benefits”. As part of an integrated plan, these benefits can include reducing pollution, tidal shocks and storm surges, assisting biodiversity, and improving our mental and physical well-being. An integrated plan is a task for government rather than for organisations such as companies, and Helm argues the case for an effective carbon tax to make it possible.

Carbon utilization

Torvanger notes that worldwide “Fourteen billion tons of carbon dioxide is annually produced from coal-fired power stations”, and this far exceeds the amount that could be used by the global chemical industry. However a much bigger market for CO2 potentially exists in the production of synthetic fuels, where “1.3 Gt carbon dioxide could be used every year”, a substantial portion of the IPCC’s target for CCS. The use of CO2 in chemical production and in synthetic fuels is perhaps better described as mitigation of atmospheric carbon than as sequestration, since the carbon in such fuels will again produce CO2 when they are burned, and the carbon used in many chemical products will eventually become CO2 again. Where captured carbon is incorporated in building materials, a much longer captivity can be anticipated, but none of these utilisations of captured carbon amount to sequestration “for eternity”.

Carbon captured and used in synthetic fuel and then recaptured from exhaust can form part of a carbon cycle which reduces the use of fossil fuels, and may help to make carbon capture more economical. Christensen and Petrenko (2017) referred to synthetic fuels “which use captured CO2 and electricity to produce drop-in diesel or gasoline, methanol, dimethyl ether (DME), or other fuels that can be used in vehicles, airplanes, or ships” in their study of “the potential contribution that CO2-based synthetic fuels could make towards the European Union’s (EU) climate mitigation goals.” A related study by d'Amore and Bezzo (2020) of carbon capture, transport, utilization, and the storage supply chain concluded that “CO2 utilization can contribute only marginally to achieve the European climate target set for 2030 in terms of emissions reduction.” However, they acknowledge that carbon utilization can “help to decrease costs related to the overall carbon capture and sequestration infrastructure”, that the energy sector “may provide a huge market for CO2-derived fuels” and that the availability of cheap renewable energy could have a positive effect on the future of carbon utilization.

Some examples follow of research on producing chemicals from captured CO2, and of proposed and actual manufacture. Research on electrocatalysts has shown that they can be used to “turn carbon dioxide and water into carbon building blocks containing one, two, three, or four carbon atoms with more than 99 percent efficiency.” This could lead to “the conversion of carbon dioxide into valuable products and raw materials in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries", such as plastics, fabrics and resins (Rutgers, 2018).

A review of research at the University of California points to both the potential for carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) in chemical production, and some of the difficulties (Futurity, 2019). It is estimated that “chemical production—which encompasses sectors as diverse as lubricants, paints, and plastics—accounts for over 3.3 billion metric tons of CO2 per year, or the equivalent in other greenhouse gases.” The post quotes Sangwon Suh, of Santa Barbara’s Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, as saying that “If we can use carbon dioxide as a carbon source for these plastics and chemicals, then we can capture and store a large quantity of CO2 in the plastics and chemicals that otherwise would have been emitted, all while creating value.” The article continues by pointing out that the “process would increase the industry’s total energy demands mainly because it also needs hydrogen, which can be produced from water through electrolysis” and that this energy would have to come from renewable sources.  It estimates that “126 to 222 percent of the world’s current 2030 renewable energy targets” would be needed to realise the potential of CCU to provide the needs of the chemical industry.

Despite the difficulties referred to above, Tata Chemicals Europe is building the UK’s first industrial scale CCUS plant at Northwich, Cheshire, to produce sodium bicarbonate using captured CO2 (Tata, 2020).  Wind and solar energy provide power for the UK ‘Sky Diamond’ project which produces diamonds from atmospheric carbon (IET, 2020). This report claims that the production of a one carat stone by traditional methods generates “more than 100kg of carbon emissions”, whereas the capture process is carbon negative.

According to Renee Cho, “Incorporating CO2 into concrete is the best prospect for widespread use of CO2 in the near term.” The world uses huge quantities of concrete and the cement used in making it, accounting for a significant percentage of global GHG emissions. “CO2 gas can be turned into a solid aggregate for concrete  … with only minimal external energy” and “can also be used to cure concrete” in a process where “wet concrete is infused with CO2, which reacts with water and calcium to form solid calcium carbonates” which “results in concrete that is four percent CO2” (Cho, 2019). An example of the use of captured CO2 in building materials is provided by the company Blue Planet, whose synthetic limestone has been used as part of a new terminal at San Francisco Airport (Yale, 2019).

Carbon storage

Technologies that have been suggested for long-term CO2 storage include storing CO2 in the ocean, in geological formations, “and through mineral sequestration, which involves the formation of solid carbonates from CO2 and minerals” (RCN-CCUS, 2014b). Mineral sequestration occurs in nature over long time periods as the weathering of rock, producing stable carbonates.

The British Geological Survey notes that deep “ocean storage will increase ocean acidification, a problem that also stems from the excess of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere and oceans.” (BGS, 2020). It reports that deep geological storage is considered the most promising option, and that areas “such as the North Sea and the US Gulf Coast are believed to contain a large amount of geological storage space.” In this storage technique “carbon dioxide is converted into a high pressure, liquid-like form” known as ‘supercritical CO2’, and the article quotes the view of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that for “well-selected, designed and managed geological storage sites, CO2 could be trapped for millions of years, retaining over 99 per cent of the injected CO2” over a period of a thousand years. The sedimentary rocks into which the CO2 is injected “may be in old oil fields, gas fields, or in saline formations”.

Pilorgé et al. (2020) studied the opportunities for low-cost CCS in the USA, including potential sequestration sites, with emphasis on economics.  They found that sequestration opportunities “in limestone and sandstone formations have capacities in the range of 740−1,800,000 MtCO2, adding up to 2,740,000 MtCO2.”

According to the International Energy Agency “plans for more than 30 new integrated CCUS facilities have been announced since 2017. The vast majority are in the United States and Europe, but projects are also planned in Australia, China, Korea, the Middle East and New Zealand.” (IEA, 2020). If all these projects were realised, the world total of CO2 capture would reach 130 Mt per year. It states that 21 capture facilities are in operation, noting that 16 of them sell or use the CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), in which the gas is pumped into an oil field to increase the output of crude oil. There are also many pilot and demonstration-scale CCUS facilities and technology test centres operating in different parts of the world. Jiang et al. (2019) are mainly concerned with China’s policy on CCUS, but point to the USA, Norway, Australia and Japan as being leaders in CCUS policy and development. Torvanger refers to Norway’s Sleipner storage site, where one million tons of carbon dioxide separated from natural gas has been injected annually into a geological formation since 1996, noting that the “integrity of stored carbon dioxide has worked well at this storage site.”

Helm (pp.75-6) claims that the North Sea is “probably among the best global sites for both offshore wind and CCS”, and that of “all the technologies that the UK could develop of benefit to the world” CCS might be second only to offshore wind.

Integration of capture, use and storage

“CCUS technologies involve the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from fuel combustion or industrial processes, the transport of this CO2 via ship or pipeline, and either its use as a resource to create valuable products or services or its permanent storage deep underground in geological formations” (IEA, 2020). Since transportation of CO2 by pipeline, ship or other means has a cost, the development of CCUS is likely to be most economically appealing when industrial sources of CO2 are close to suitable locations for sequestration, to other industries which require CO2, or to both. In some cases the proximity of renewable energy sources may also be important. The scope of the IEA article extends to “bio-based processes” and to direct capture of CO2 from the air. The development of industrial CCUS hubs with shared CO2 transport and storage infrastructure, rather than large, stand-alone CCUS facilities, is seen as important and perhaps critical to accelerating the deployment of CCUS. The reduced planning and development effort which results, together with economies of scale which produce lower unit costs, can encourage investment, and make possible the participation of smaller industrial facilities. Leadership and co-ordination by government “are vitally important to the early development of CCUS hubs in most regions, notably in supporting or underwriting investment in new CO2 transport and storage infrastructure.” 


The IEA (2020) claims that development of CCUS hubs has begun “in at least 12 locations around the world” and that they have the potential to capture over 50 Mt of CO2 p.a. In 2020 Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States all referenced a role for CCUS as part of their mid-century climate strategies.

More than sixty projects, some already operational, are listed by the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP, 2020). Among the sites which became operational in the last few years are: Gorgon Carbon Dioxide Injection, Western Australia, which captures carbon dioxide from natural gas processing, and injects it more than 2km below the earth’s surface at a rate of 3.4-4 Mtpa; Illinois Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage, which captures CO2 from the fermentation process used to produce ethanol and stores it in a geological site at 1 Mtpa;  Alberta Carbon Trunk Line with Agrium CO2 Stream, where CO2  is captured at 0.3-0.6 Mtpa within the gasification hydrogen supply unit as part of a process to produce synthesis gas; and Jilin Oil Field, China, at which CO2 captured from a natural gas processing plant is used for enhanced oil recovery at 0.6 Mtpa. The IOGP list mentions two earlier Norwegian projects, dating from 1996 and 2008, and in September 2020 the Norwegian government announced its proposal to launch a carbon capture and storage scheme, named ‘Longship’. Carbon will be captured at Norcem’s cement factory in Brevik, and  funding will be provided for the transport and storage of liquid CO2 from the capture facilities to a terminal at Øygarden in Vestland County. From there, CO2 will be pumped through pipelines to a reservoir beneath the sea bottom (, 2020).

“The Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage (STEMM-CCS) project was funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme to address the current knowledge and capability gaps in approaches, methodologies and technology required for the effective environmental monitoring of offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites.” Work included the first sub-seafloor release of CO2 to be carried out under real life conditions. It simulated a CO2 reservoir leak and showed that it could be successfully detected and quantified using the instruments, tools and techniques developed during the project. (STEMM-CCS, 2020). The safety and efficacy of carbon storage have been noted as among public concerns regarding CCUS.

Some of the major factors which emerge from the above projects and from the literature are the policy decisions of governments in response to climate change; the time scales involved; technological developments; the involvement of industry, including the fossil fuel companies; geography, geology and the proximity of carbon sources and sinks; the availability of renewable energy; and risk, the engagement of investors and the attitudes of the public.


Abu-Zahra, M., et al. (2016) Commercial liquid absorbent-based PCC processes, in: Paul H.M. Feron (ed.) Absorption-Based Post-combustion Capture of Carbon Dioxide. Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-08-100514-9

BGS (2020) Online article: “Understanding carbon capture and storage (CCS)” available at

Cho, R., (2019), Online article: “Capturing Carbon's Potential: These Companies Are Turning CO2 into Profits”, May 29, 2019, State of the Planet, available at

Christensen, A., and Petrenko, C., (2017),   “CO2-based synthetic fuel: Assessment of potential European capacity and environmental performance”, ICCT, available at

d'Amore, F., and Bezzo, F., (2020), “Optimizing the Design of Supply Chains for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration in Europe: A Preliminary Assessment”, Frontiers in Energy Research, available at

Fawzy, S., et al., 2020, “Strategies for mitigation of climate change: a review”, Environmental Chemistry, available at

Futurity, (2019) Online article: “Strategy could turn CO2 emissions into useful chemicals”, Futurity, May 20th, 2019, available at

GCCSI (2018), Online article: “Let’s talk negative emission technologies”, available at, (2020), Online article: “The Government launches ‘Longship’ for carbon capture and storage in Norway”, Press release 21/09/2020, available at

Helm, D. (2020) Net Zero: How We Stop Causing Climate Change. HarperCollins UK.

IET, (2020), “UK ‘sky mining’ facility creates carbon-negative diamonds”, Engineering and Technology, Friday, October 30, 2020, available at

IEA, 2020, Online article: “Carbon capture, utilisation and storage”, available at

IOGP, (2020), Online article: “Global CCUS projects”, available at

Jiang, K., et al., 2019, “China's carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) policy: A critical review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, November 2019 available at

Langholtz, M., et al. (2020), “The Economic Accessibility of CO2 Sequestration through Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) in the US”, Land 2020, 9(9), 299;

Pilorgé, H., et al., 2020, “Cost Analysis of Carbon Capture and Sequestration of Process Emissions from the U.S. Industrial Sector”, May 20, 2020, Environmental Science and Technology

Accessed at

RCN-CCUS , 2014a, “What is CCUS?” Research Coordination Network (RCN) on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage

RCN-CCUS , 2014b, “CO2 Transportation, Storage & EOR” Research Coordination Network (RCN) on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage

Rutgers, 2018, Online article: “Researchers Just Found a Way to Turn CO2 Into Plastic With Unprecedented Efficiency”, Rutgers University 24 November 2018, available at:

STEMM-CCS, 2020, Online article: “Sub-seabed carbon dioxide storage”, Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage, available at:

Tata, 2020, Online article: “Carbon Capture & Utilisation”, available at

Torvanger A. (2020) Ancillary Benefits of Carbon Capture and Storage. In: Buchholz W., Markandya A., Rübbelke D., Vögele S. (eds) Ancillary Benefits of Climate Policy. Springer Climate. Springer, Cham.

Accessed at

Wiseman, J., 2017, “The great energy transition of the 21st century: The 2050 Zero-Carbon World Oration”, November 2017, Energy Research & Social Science

DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2017.10.011, available at

Yale, 2019, Online article: “A company called Blue Planet is converting carbon dioxide into building material”, Yale Climate Connections Newsletter, available at


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