Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability


AI has been described as potentially important in helping to meet some of the objectives listed in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (SDGs, 2015).

Palomares et al. (2021) set out to describe progress and prospects in artificial intelligence technologies with regard to the SDGs. Six categories are chosen for their analysis: life, economic and technological development, social development, equality, resources and natural environment. They aim to identify the opportunities and challenges for AI in helping to fulfil the SDGs, and to provide a roadmap for maximising this assistance in the next decade; they also highlight the difficulties and potential threats associated with AI. The writers note the hostility often felt towards AI, and attempt to present its potential benefits with regard to the SDGs. They offer a definition of AI, note its main elements, and list its main areas, such as knowledge representation, natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning, automated reasoning and robotics.  Concerns “about the motivation behind decisions made by AI algorithms” have given rise to the concept of “trustworthy AI” – robust, ethical and lawful AI systems. Brief descriptions are given of technologies which support AI systems, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D technologies, Blockchain, Big data and 5G communication infrastructure.

The extensive literature review provided by Palomares at al. begins with six broadly focussed studies (section 3.3) from which some general points are listed here. One paper claims that AI can improve the efficiency of industrial processes, help to preserve non-renewable resources and to disseminate expert knowledge, reduce the gap between resources and technology, and foster the creation of alliances among governments, the private sector and society for maximizing global sustainability. Others focus on the contributions of blockchain technology to the SDGs, especially its ability to ensure the integrity of data and prevent corruption;  and on a comparison of the potentials of AI to help and to hinder attainment of the SDGs, concluding that it could be an enabler for the majority of the goals, but with potential to hinder a substantial minority of them. Palomares at al. stress the “importance of the interactions among AI, the society, environment, the economy and the government”, and the need for “approaching these critical interactions from a global perspective with the guidance of solidly established regulations.” They then proceed to conduct an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) when AI is applied to each of the SDGs.  

As an example some points from their SWOT analysis of SDG 13 (Climate action) follow. Strengths:  Predictive AI can be applied remotely to assist disadvantaged countries against climate phenomena; AI models help in making better emergency or disaster recovery decisions. Weaknesses:  Climate prediction demands precise information in real time, not affordable everywhere; Black-box AI models are difficult for emergency services to use in order to justify decisions against disasters. Opportunities:  Early prediction of natural catastrophes enables rapid response by authorities; AI prediction of energy needs and traffic can help reducing pollutants; AI technology can reinforce young people’s education about climate change. Threats:  AI computation can require significant energy; AI models used to predict natural catastrophes can become obsolete as climate changes.

The roadmap for the decade revolves around five key elements: the need for “unified, accessible, open and high quality data [which abide by] inalienable human rights”; the imperative to “strengthen the links between science, industry and institutions”; the careful adaption of AI and digital technologies to the situation and characteristics of each country; the definition of “alternative and more flexible standards” for the evaluation of the SDGs; and reflection on and “reformulation of the approaches under which each and every SDG in the UN agenda are being currently addressed” in the light of the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mhlanga (2021) believes that AI “is beginning to live up to its promises of delivering real value” and seeks to investigate its influence on the attainment of the SDGs, focussing on  poverty reduction (SDG1), and industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG3) in emerging economies. He claims that AI can be used in conjunction with satellite images to map poverty in some regions, such as Thailand (ADP 2021). In agriculture, AI programs are “helping to improve farming, through effective diseases detection, prediction of crop yields, and location of areas prone to a scarcity” and Mhlanga mentions the work of Stanford University’s Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence Lab in this respect (Stanford 2021). He believes that AI is “enabling massive infrastructure development, increase in access to information and knowledge as well as fostering innovation and entrepreneurship” and mentions the importance of the transport sector in making economic growth and development possible.

Lahsen (2020) claims that political uses of AI “in the form of data flows, machine learning, and large-scale data analytics and algorithms” carry threats to the openness of societies, but acknowledges that information and communications technologies including AI can be harnessed to the common good by helping to bring about the “mass public mobilization and transformations” needed to achieve the sustainable development goals, for which current information environments are inadequate. She believes that reform of traditional mass media and the use of AI are both needed “to stimulate changes in values, understanding and social engagements that in turn can transform legislation and economic policies.” Fear of social engineering may inhibit the wise use of AI with its “historically unprecedented potential to reshape society for the common good”. However, social engineering is already a reality, and what matters is “who is in control and their guiding norms, ethics, and principles.” While communications scholars see the importance of reforming mass media to achieve progressive change, corporate media tends to obstruct such change, while scientists typically value the political neutrality of the media, and mainstream environmental researchers are likely to assume that in reality “current information environments are neutral”. Power lies with “those most vocal and influential on social media” and a “suite of persuasive technologies” is available to them, and can be used, for example, to “spread doubt about climate change”. Moreover, Lahsen claims that there is evidence from cognitive science that in the area of climate change, people protect their values and beliefs against new scientific information. She argues that worldwide, mass media are controlled by elites, who “wield vastly disproportionate influence on public understandings of reality, manifestly including climate change”, and that media control allows the extent of its mind shaping power to be disguised. In view of the power of AI to sway our thinking, “AI design needs to be carefully governed and to become an integral, deliberate and explicit element in “transformative” policy frameworks for achievement of Agenda 2030 and respect for planetary boundaries.” Policies must force disclosure of the “assumptions, choices, and adequacy determinations” embodied in current and future intelligent systems.

Stein (2020) acknowledges the threats posed by artificial intelligence “to privacy, security, due process, and democracy itself”, but sees its usefulness in “those particularly complex technical problems lying beyond our ready human capacity” such as climate change. She sees AI as useful in dealing with the huge amounts of data associated with climate science, for example in monitoring greenhouse gases, and in weather prediction models, where machine learning is particularly applicable. Her focus however is on the energy sector as a means of illustrating the “potential promise and pitfalls” of applied AI. Stein states that electricity accounts for about 25% of global GHG emissions, and sees a role for AI in “accelerating the development of clean-energy technologies, improving electricity-demand forecasts, strengthening system optimization and management, and enhancing system monitoring” as well as in improving safety and reliability. The integration into the supply grid of renewable energy sources can be improved by using AI to predict their intermittent outputs: Stein cites work by Google and DeepMind which “boosted the value of … wind energy by approximately twenty percent.” AI can adjust wind-farm propellers to keep up with changing wind directions, help design the layout of renewable energy sources, and improve the management of large battery storage systems. AI is “poised to assist” in the management of distributed resources such as rooftop solar, wind, fuel cells, energy storage and microgrids, as well as in demand shifting to match supply. AI can also facilitate the ‘smart grid’ – described as “an intelligent electricity grid—one that uses digital communications technology, information systems, and automation to detect and react to local changes in usage, improve system operating efficiency … while maintaining high system reliability”.

After further discussion of the ways in which AI can be used in the energy sector, Stein addresses more general issues such as the trade-offs between AI and climate. AI can itself be a large consumer of electricity: some possible solutions to this problem are the requirement for AI researchers to disclose their computational costs in their publications; to introduce an environmental certification regime; and “to enhance the sharing of data used in climate-related algorithms.” The regulation of data is an issue of concern, as is data privacy; examples of the failure of anonymization are cited. The funding of AI for climate issues is discussed, as are issues of accountability, safety, and certification. A final issue is the legitimacy of the algorithms used. “If we are to base important policy decisions on the results of climate AI, it is imperative that there is trust in the system.” This can involve enabling the AI system to explain in comprehensible terms how and why it has reached a particular decision. While it is “imperative that the limitations of AI be acknowledged and tempered” recognition of these limitations should not result in exclusion of its application to addressing the “complicated data challenges associated with climate change” where appropriate.

Writing in the journal AI and Ethics, Coeckelbergh (2021) addresses issues which overlap those covered by Stein, but offers some interestingly different perspectives. Among the questions raised, he compares two widely different views of how AI might impinge upon freedom: the first is a paternalistic approach, in which AI is used to “nudge” people to “use less energy, produce less waste, not use a car” and the like. This is viewed by some as non- coercive, but by others as limiting freedom, due to its subconscious influence on choices and behaviour. At another extreme is the option to use AI to help govern humanity, since “if the current political situation continues, with a serious lack of climate governance at a planetary level”, planetary disaster is likely to follow. In this option freedom is seriously threatened “through straightforward coercion” and (referencing Hobbes) a “Green Leviathan” is called for. Coeckelbergh argues that a middle way can be found in which “it is possible to put environmental and climate regulation in place which restricts freedom to some extent (for the purpose of improving the climate situation) but still leaves enough freedom”, but admits that this is “a huge challenge in a democratic society, and even more so at the global level”.

Scoville et al. (2021) address the place of AI in “existing climate knowledge infrastructures and decision making systems” and in conservation. As an example of the expansion of climate data, they note that a “four-dimensional global atmospheric dataset of weather” is now available as far back as 1836.  The development of AI techniques has enabled “breakthroughs in modelling cloud systems … and analyses of complex interconnectivity among earth system features”. They note the divisions between researchers over whether “AI will further the cause of environmental sustainability … or accelerate unsustainable patterns of extraction and consumption.” Historically algorithms used in conservation provided information to decision makers on what to protect and where. “This is now beginning to change” as data are collected and updated almost in real time: it is no longer practical for outputs to pass through “multiple levels of decision makers and stakeholders”, and increasingly “the algorithms are tasked with real-time ‘decisions.’” AI systems can make predictive decisions such as identifying probable areas of illegal fishing, future poaching events, and likely changes to forest cover; these can result in anticipatory action, including policing.  There are also concerns over inbuilt bias in AI systems, and the questions of “whose interests are shaping algorithmic decision making systems in the context of climate change”, who controls access to AI platforms, and who has influence over the regulators of AI systems.



ADP, 2021, Mapping the spatial distribution of poverty using satellite imagery in Thailand, Asian Development Bank, online, accessed 15 September 2021

Coeckelbergh, M., 2021, AI for climate: freedom, justice, and other ethical and political challenges, AI and Ethics, online, accessed 15 September 2021

Lahsen, M., 2020, Should AI be Designed to Save Us from Ourselves? IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, June 2020, online, accessed 15 September 2021

Mhlanga, D., 2021, Artificial Intelligence in the Industry 4.0, and Its Impact on Poverty, Innovation, Infrastructure Development, and the Sustainable Development Goals: Lessons from Emerging Economies? Sustainability 2021, online, accessed 15 September 2021

Palomares, I., et al., 2021, A panoramic view and swot analysis of artificial intelligence for achieving the sustainable development goals by 2030: progress and prospects, Applied Intelligence, online, accessed 14 September 2021

Scoville, C., et al., Algorithmic conservation in a changing climate, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, online, accessed 16 September 2021

SDGs, 2015, THE 17 GOALS, online, accessed 13 September 2021

Stanford, 2021, Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence Lab, online, accessed 15 September 2021

Stein, A., 2020, Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change, Yale Journal on Regulation, online, accessed 16 September 2021


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