Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change


A brief article by Marr (2021) lists a number of areas in which artificial intelligence (AI) is of actual or potential use in mitigating climate change. His topics include improving energy efficiency, optimizing clean energy development, avoiding waste, making transport more efficient, providing tools to help understand carbon footprints, monitoring the environment and creating new low-carbon materials. Marr draws on a report from Capgemini (2020) which claims that within their study the most effective “AI-enabled use cases have helped organizations reduce GHG emissions by 13% and improve power efficiency by 11% in the last two years” and “have also helped reduce waste and deadweight assets by improving their utilization by 12%.” Capgemini estimates that applications of AI “have the potential to help organizations fulfil 11–45% of the ‘Economic Emission Intensity’ targets of the Paris Agreement, depending on the scale of AI adoption across sectors” by 2030. However although many organisations “have made long-term business decisions to tackle the consequences of climate change”, Capgemini believes that few “are successfully combining their climate vision with AI capabilities”. Their report lists six key actions for organisations wishing to use the full potential of AI on climate change. The first acknowledges that using some AI systems can produce greenhouse gases because of the significant amounts of power they require; it is therefore important to “measure, monitor and track carbon footprint of AI”. The remaining five actions are to: Educate sustainability teams on how AI can make a real difference and educate AI teams on the criticality of climate change; Lay down the technological foundations for AI-powered climate change action; Scale applications on the basis of impact for the sector and the emissions intensity of particular functions; Collaborate with the climate action ecosystem (such as peer organizations, partners, governments and start-ups); Harness AI to bring greater focus in reducing scope 3 emissions.

Marr also refers to the application of AI in the planning strategy for hydropower dams in the Amazon basin (Cornell University, 2019), and a selection of other specific studies will be outlined below, touching applications of AI in transport, civil engineering, food and agriculture, climate science and the development of new materials. Some terms which may not be familiar will be briefly described here, relying largely on Wikipedia entries.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence is typically applied to a single narrowly defined task; Artificial General Intelligence is used to describe the ability of a (hypothetical) machine with an intellect similar to that of a human; Artificial Super Intelligence is reserved for (hypothetical) machines with intellectual abilities far exceeding those of a human.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) or simply neural networks (NNs) are “computing systems inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute animal brains”.

Machine Learning refers to algorithms that “build a model based on sample data, known as "training data", in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so”. In some implementations data and neural networks are used “in a way that mimics the working of a biological brain.”

Deep Learning is a type of machine learning using neural networks with multiple layers “to progressively extract higher-level features from the raw input.”

Evolutionary algorithms use “mechanisms inspired by biological evolution, such as reproduction, mutation, recombination, and selection” in order to find optimal solutions to problems.

Ant Colony Optimiser refers to “a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs” and is inspired by the behaviour of real ants.

Blockchain refers to a list of records “linked together using cryptography”. It was invented “to serve as the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin” but has found application in many other fields.

Abduljabbar et al. provide “an overview of the AI techniques applied worldwide to address transportation problems” and give useful descriptions of a range of AI techniques. They refer to studies on AI in land use planning, traffic accident estimation, the design of optimal vehicle paths, transportation system management, accident and injury prediction, avoidance of congestion and delays, utilizing traffic data, control of traffic signal systems, prediction of traffic flow and future mobility demand, and reduction of congestion and energy consumption by avoiding under-loading of vehicles.

AI in aviation is described as effective in managing flight journeys, and has application to intelligent maintenance, flight route optimization, safety, detection of turbulence, avoidance of deviation from pre-determined routes, minimizing fuel cost, and enhancing air control management.

In dense urban situations AI applied to shared road mobility can lead to a reduction in traffic congestion and pollution, reducing the number of under-occupied private vehicles on the road. AI has allowed operators like Uber to plan routes efficiently, and to accurately estimate travel, pick up and drop off times.

Hybrid Ant Colony Algorithms have been used to manage bus schedules and to design automated buses. AI software can assist on-demand bus services to give door-to-door convenience, finding the fastest route. Autonomous vehicles rely on AI software based on deep learning techniques, and have the potential to reduce accidents, congestion, travel times, car ownership and emissions.

Karlson, Conley and Stantic (2021) consider the potential for a combination of blockchain and AI techniques “to enhance the transport sector”. The writers do not directly address issues of climate change, but some of the applications that they refer to have mitigation potential. These include collecting “real-time location information” from vehicles; tracking goods; handling road use, parking, toll and congestion charges; influencing “time of use and route selection” and “increasing utilisation of the transport network.”

Nandal, Mor and Sood (2021), like the authors of the previous paper, concentrate on using AI techniques to tackle general problems of transport without specific reference to climate change: they mention “sustainable transport” and the Sustainable Development Goals, but see traffic congestion in the context of the world’s “rapidly growing population and number of registered vehicles”, leading to air pollution, increased fuel consumption, and delays. Their applications are to traffic forecasting and control and the evaluation of traffic situations; the maintenance of road infrastructure; transport policy and economics; driver behaviour and autonomous vehicles; pattern recognition, decision making and weather forecasting. Artificial Neural Networks provide useful tools to address most if not all of these problems, and much of the paper is devoted to an exploration of ANNs.

Climate change is a direct concern of Bury et al. (2021) who seek to identify early warning signals of tipping points in climatology – and in ecology, thermoacoustics, and epidemiology - by means of a deep learning algorithm which draws on information about behaviour common to many dynamical systems. It can provide early warning signals in systems it was not explicitly trained on with greater sensitivity than generic early warning indicators and so can “help humans better prepare for, or avoid, undesirable state transitions.” The paper describes deep learning theory and the architecture and training of the algorithm, and the methods used to test it. An informal account of the work is given in a short article by Wilson (2021).

Hardian et al. (2020) apply AI to the “sustainable design and development of advanced materials and chemicals”, a crucial element of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. They see machine learning as a way to accelerate the process of discovering new materials while conserving time and labour, and regard AI as “a silver bullet for sustainable materials development”. They describe work with a new ML module incorporating an evolutionary algorithm to develop a sustainable electrochemical synthesis of metal–organic frameworks - “a class of porous materials built from metal cations bridged together by organic linkers”- with potential applications in “gas storage, separation, water harvesting, catalysis” and drug delivery. Vasylenko et al. (2021) describe work in a related field: they used an unsupervised neural network-based method which assisted the discovery of a new material suitable for use in lithium-ion batteries.

Lakshmi and Corbett (2020) seek to analyse the objectives and impacts of AI deployment in agriculture and to understand how AI can lead to improved agricultural outputs and address sustainability, both globally and within specific geographical regions. Their findings suggest that while AI is primarily applied globally to increase production and efficiency, it can also help address labour shortages and environmental issues. Regionally, AI is deployed actively in North America and Europe with “advancing efforts in Asia and Africa”.

Seven themes emerged in the study.

1 The use of AI by large agricultural organizations may play a part in industry transformation, but software algorithms, sensors and data available to start-ups are also significant.

2 AI is being applied in the greenhouse, vertical farming, and indoor farming “to address persistent problems that impact productivity, such as less irrigation, decreasing soil quality and crop diseases.”

3 “The initial application of AI seems to be in growing specific crops”: customer demand for fresh fruits and produce such as salads provides a focus, and AI techniques can be used to monitor the growth of crops.

4 AI is being applied through the use of sensors, drones, and machine learning algorithms, which “can transform farm management through accessibility to explicit information and informed decisions that were not previously possible.”

5 Technological innovations associated with AI are “a response to pressures for industry transformation” and government investment in AI is available in some regions.

6 AI can provide a platform for better farm management and hence increased productivity, enabling “a mix of human and computer-derived decisions.”

7 AI can allow for the reduction of environmental impacts through “the precise application of fertilizers, pesticides, and systemized irrigation”.

Manzoor et al. (2021) provide a literature review of AI in civil engineering noting the benefits and opportunities which AI offers, and the trend of construction toward sustainability.  They note the growth in publications on AI and sustainability in civil engineering in the decade 2010-2020, particularly in the area of automated construction. More than a hundred papers are reviewed, touching on AI and robotics, sensor connectivity, product design, production, management, testing, integration of systems, water utility management, electrical power distribution and the project life cycle.



Abduljabbar, R., et al., 2019, Applications of artificial intelligence in transport: An overview, Sustainability, online, accessed 5 October 2021

Bury, T. et al., 2021, Deep learning for early warning signals of tipping points, PNAS, online, accessed 5 October 2021

Capgemini (2020) Climate AI:  How artificial intelligence can power your climate action strategy, Capgemini Research Institute, online, accessed 4 October 2021

Cornell University, 2019, AI helps reduce Amazon hydropower dams' carbon footprint, ScienceDaily, online, accessed 24 November 2021

Hardian, R. et al., 2020, Artificial intelligence: the silver bullet for sustainable materials development, Green Chemistry, online, accessed 6 October 2021

Karlson, C. H., Conley, D. and Stantic, B., 2021, The Potential for Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence to Enhance the Transport Sector, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, online, accessed 4 October 2021

Lakshmi, V., and Corbett, J., 2020 , How Artificial Intelligence Improves Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability: A Global Thematic Analysis, conference paper, online, accessed 7 October 2021

Marr, B., 2020, How Artificial Intelligence Can Power Climate Change Strategy, Forbes, online, accessed 4 October 2021

Manzoor, B., et al., 2021, Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering toward Sustainable Development—A Systematic Literature Review, Appl. Syst. Innov., online, accessed 7 October 2021

Nandal, M., Mor,N., and Sood, H. (2021) An Overview of Use of Artificial Neural Network in Sustainable Transport System. In: Singh V., Asari V., Kumar S., Patel R. (eds) Computational Methods and Data Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1227. Springer, Singapore.

Online, accessed 5 October 2021

Vasylenko, A.  et al., 2021, Element selection for crystalline inorganic solid discovery guided by unsupervised machine learning of experimentally explored chemistry, Nature Communications, online, accessed 6 October 2021

Wilson, J., 2021, Climate change tipping points revealed using AI insights, E&T, online, accessed 6 October 2021


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