Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

An entry on the University of Wollongong  Research Writing Bookshelf refers to Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, an Elsevier publication. The review leads to a number of recent open –access articles which might provide a context for community energy projects in the UK. Four of these, including a literature review, are listed below.

Transition pathways for a UK low-carbon electricity system: Comparing scenarios and technology implications
February 2018
John Barton | Lloyd Davies | Ben Dooley | Timothy J. Foxon | Stuart Galloway | Geoffrey P. Hammond | Áine O’Grady | Elizabeth Robertson | Murray Thomson

Photovoltaics and wind status in the European Union after the Paris Agreement
January 2018
Roberto Lacal Arantegui | Arnulf Jäger-Waldau

Identifying barriers to large-scale integration of variable renewable electricity into the electricity market: A literature review of market design
January 2018
Jing Hu | Robert Harmsen | Wina Crijns-Graus | Ernst Worrell | Machteld van den Broek

Interfacing applications for uncertainty reduction in smart energy systems utilizing distributed intelligence
December 2017
Phuong H. Nguyen | Niels Blaauwbroek | Cuong Nguyen | Xu Zhang | Alexander Flueck | Xiaoyu Wang


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