Motivations to reduce domestic energy consumption
Given that a significant proportion of national energy consumption in countries such as the UK arises from domestic usage such as space heating, the various motivations of residents to conserve energy are important factors in efforts to decarbonise the economy. It is easy to assume that financial saving is the most likely motivator of domestic energy conservation. The motivation of consumers with a free energy supply is examined in the following paper: Motivating Residents to Conserve Energy without Financial Incentives Andrea H. McMakin, M.A., Elizabeth L. Malone, Ph.D., Regina E. Lundgren (2002) Abstract Given the aim to motivate people to conserve energy in homes, we need to understand what drives people’s energy use behavior and how it can be influenced. This article describes applied energy conservation campaigns at two U.S. military installations where residents do not pay their own utility bills. Customized approache...