Hydrogen, Storage and Renewable Energy


In his book on the strategy needed to enable the UK to address the threat from climate change, Chris Goodall mentions hydrogen more than a hundred times (Goodall, 2020). Describing the connection between renewable energy and hydrogen, he cites “ the great British biologist J.B.S. Haldane, who foresaw the importance of renewable electricity combined with hydrogen as the basis of the entire energy system as early as 1923”. Here is part of Haldane’s lecture, given in Cambridge:

 “Personally, I think that … the power question in England may be solved somewhat as follows: The country will be covered with rows of metallic windmills working electric motors which in their turn supply current at a very high voltage to great electric mains. At suitable distances, there will be great power stations where during windy weather the surplus power will be used for the electrolytic decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen. These gasses will be … stored in … reservoirs, probably sunk in the ground …In times of calm, the gasses will be recombined in explosion motors working dynamos which produce electrical energy once more, or more probably in oxidation cells. These huge reservoirs … will enable wind energy to be stored, so that it can be expended for industry, transportation, heating and lighting, as desired.” (Haldane,1923).

The ‘power question’ for Haldane was the foreseeable “exhaustion of our coal and oil-fields” and the solution was “to tap those intermittent but inexhaustible sources of power, the wind and the sunlight. The problem is simply one of storing their energy in a form as convenient as coal or petrol.” The relevance of hydrogen for energy storage in our present situation of climate change will be explored below, along with some of the other uses which Goodall sees for hydrogen in the production of synthetic fuels, as a replacement for coal in steel making, and in the manufacture of fertilisers, ammonia and cement. A number of hydrogen-based projects will also be outlined.

Surplus power from renewables can occur in many different ways: a brief period of high wind may lead to excessive output from wind turbines, fine summer weather may cause daily surplus production from solar installations, and tidal generation may exceed requirements several times per day as water flow rates peak. Battery storage is one of the promising methods of coping with short term variation in power output, but is (as yet) not a suitable way of coping with longer term and seasonal variation. Pumped storage of water for hydroelectric generation offers a solution in countries with suitable climate and geography, but has only limited scope in the UK. The use of surplus power to produce hydrogen may be an attractive option, provided that a range of associated problems can be overcome. These problems may be divided into groups: the efficient production of hydrogen, its storage and its transportation; its uses both as fuel and in manufacture; economic, political and environmental issues.

Production of hydrogen and associated energy

Almost 96% of the world’s hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, with the remainder produced by electrolysis (Catalan and Rezaei, 2019). Steam-methane reforming of natural gas accounts for 48% of the global hydrogen production, and in this process methane and water react to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Without carbon capture, this method contributes to global warming. Electrolysis of water, on the other hand, produces only hydrogen and oxygen. The production of 1 kg of hydrogen using efficient methods of water electrolysis requires 50–55 kWh of electricity (Wikipedia, 2020). The specific energy of hydrogen (the energy released when it burns) is about 40 kWh per kg, so that producing hydrogen for energy can be commercially viable only if the price of electricity is sufficiently low, and ecologically sustainable only if the electricity used has very low associated carbon emissions.

Storage and transport of hydrogen

Hydrogen can be stored in large amounts and for extended periods. Storage methods include those based on either compression or cooling or a combination of the two (hybrid storage), but “a large number of other new hydrogen storage technologies are being pursued or investigated” (Hydrogen Europe, 2017). For the industrial storage of hydrogen, salt caverns, exhausted oil and gas fields or aquifers can be used as underground stores, but operational experience of hydrogen storage caverns exists only in a few locations in the USA and Europe.

The most common hydrogen transportation means are by compressed gas cylinders, cryogenic liquid tankers and dedicated pipelines; but hydrogen can also be transported in existing natural gas pipelines, by blending it with the natural gas and separating it at the point of delivery (ibid.)

Hydrogen as fuel

Jessica Murray reported early in 2020 that “Zero-carbon hydrogen has been injected into a UK gas network for the first time in a ground-breaking trial that could help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions” (Murray, 2020). She was referring to a trial of a blend of 20% hydrogen with natural gas to heat homes and faculty buildings at Keele University. The article claims that “Rolling the 20% hydrogen blend out across the country could save about 6m tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year”. The use of the term “zero-carbon” might be questioned; hydrogen produces no carbon when burned, but even when hydrogen is produced by electrolysis using renewable electricity, there will be some carbon burden: ‘green hydrogen’ might be a better description. The use of “zero-carbon” hydrogen in the UK may be new, but hydrogen in the domestic gas supply is not; it was “a major component in ‘town gas’, the gas created from coal and used widely throughout Britain before the discovery of North Sea gas in the 1960s. Up to 60% of the gas (by volume) being used by consumers was hydrogen” (Northern Gas Networks, 2018).

A number of projects aim to deliver 100% green hydrogen for heating. One of these is SGN H100, described by the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association as a “world-first programme using green hydrogen to heat homes” (SHFCA, 2020). The project “is intended to provide critical evidence for a potential zero carbon energy source, helping to inform the UK’s long-term policy decisions for decarbonisation”; subject to Ofgem approval, it will serve 300 homes at Levenmouth in Fife “within about three years.”

A wider perspective on the future of heating with green hydrogen comes from the European Commission, which foresees that “Local hydrogen clusters, such as remote areas or islands, or regional ecosystems – so-called “Hydrogen Valleys” – will develop, relying on local production of hydrogen from decentralised renewable energy production and local demand, transported over short distances. In such cases, a dedicated hydrogen infrastructure can use hydrogen not only for industrial and transport applications, and electricity balancing, but also for the provision of heat for residential and commercial buildings” (European Commission, 2020).

Hydrogen can be used to generate electricity in a number of ways. Internal combustion engines can be made to run on hydrogen, and the future of vehicles powered in this way has been a subject of discussion (ScienceDirect, 2018). Clearly such an engine could be used to drive a generator, but a hydrogen fuelled gas turbine would be more appropriate for large scale electricity generation. Robb (2019) writes that gas turbines running on 100% hydrogen “have been a long-term dream”, and that the concept “has gained momentum in tandem with the trend toward carbon neutrality.” He describes a project to modify a gas turbine to run solely on hydrogen at a green hydrogen power facility in Port Lincoln, South Australia. The project includes a water electrolysis plant, a facility for sustainable ammonia production, and a 5 MW hydrogen fuel cell. It can “either use grid supply, on-site solar power or hydrogen-powered electricity as required.” Further details of the project are given by RenewablesSA (undated).

Hydrogen can be used to generate electricity by means of fuel cells, and an article from the U.S. Department of Energy provides an introduction to them (EERE, 2017). A number of straightforward points are made: hydrogen is earth’s most abundant element; the environmental impact and energy efficiency of hydrogen depends on how it is produced; hydrogen and fuel cells can be used in a broad range of applications; fuel cells can be grid-independent, and so provide an attractive option for powering critical services. Vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells can have a carbon footprint around half that of conventional vehicles if the hydrogen is made from natural gas, or about 10% if the hydrogen is produced by renewable energy, such as wind and solar. A linked article from the same organisation provides a more detailed perspective on fuel cells, including their use in forklift trucks, buses, cars, trains and ships (EERE, 2019). Hydrogen fuel cells have been used to power light aircraft, and demonstration flights between Cranfield and Kirkwall, Orkney, are expect to begin shortly (Robinson, 2020). A further discussion of the role of hydrogen in aviation is provided by Thompson (2020).

As stated by EERE, the efficiency of energy processes which use hydrogen depends, among other things, on how it is produced. We saw above that 50–55 kWh of electric energy was needed to produce by electrolysis enough hydrogen to yield 40 kWh when burned, representing an efficiency of 80% at best.. How much useful energy can be retrieved from hydrogen?

In the case of vehicles powered by fuel cells, one claim is that although “less efficient than electric batteries, today’s fuel cells compare favourably with internal combustion engine technology, which converts fuel into kinetic energy at roughly 25 per cent efficiency. A fuel cell, by contrast, can mix hydrogen with air to produce electricity at up to 60 per cent efficiency” (MEED, 2019). Combining the efficiencies of electrolytic hydrogen production and fuel cell conversion to mechanical energy gives a best overall efficiency figure of around 48%.

In January 2019, Siemens Energy signed a commitment with the members of the industry body EUTurbines, to increase the hydrogen capability in gas turbines to at least 20 percent by 2020 and to 100 percent by 2030 (Lindstrand, 2019). Manufacturers of conventional gas turbines claim efficiencies of 55 percent or greater, but this is the efficiency at baseload power, and is likely to involve recovery of waste heat. (Wartsila, 2020). If we assume that turbine efficiencies using hydrogen fuel from electrolysis will be similar, we reach an overall efficiency of around 33%. This figure, together with the estimate for fuel cells, makes the point that the electricity used for electrolysis may have to be available at very low cost to make either process economically viable, and puts into perspective the use of hydrogen for energy storage.

Hydrogen and synthetic fuel

Hydrogen from electrolysis can be used in the production of synthetic fuels with a lower carbon footprint than conventionally produced fuels. The following description comes from the aviation industry, but probably has more general relevance.

The ‘Power-to-Liquid’ process allows the production of a synthetic alternative to fossil kerosene through the use of renewable electricity to produce hydrogen from water by electrolysis and combine it with carbon from CO2 (ideally captured from the air). The process “can present a favourable greenhouse gas balance relative to conventional and bio-based aviation fuel streams with close to zero emissions” and is seen as “a technically viable solution to help decarbonise the aviation sector.” However, such fuels are more expensive than kerosene, and using them to meet the expected future demand for aviation has been predicted to “require 95% of the electricity currently generated using renewables in Europe” (EASA, undated).

Hydrogen and steel making

The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association describes traditional steel-making as a reduction process in which iron oxide reacts with carbon monoxide sourced from heating coke fuel in a blast furnace. The Association estimates that in 2017, the iron and steel industry produced seven to nine percent of the total global GHG emissions, with every ton of steel resulting in an average 1.83 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. “New production processes are exploring the use of hydrogen gas instead of coke. Hydrogen reacts with iron oxide in a similar fashion to carbon monoxide, but instead of producing carbon dioxide, the only byproduct is water vapor. When hydrogen used in this process is derived from renewable or decarbonized sources itself, the steel making process can become completely emission-free, creating ‘green steel.’” (Homann, 2019).

Hydrogen, fertilisers and ammonia

Fertilizers Europe, which represents the interests of many fertilizer manufacturers in the European Union, acknowledges that current “production of nitrogen fertilizers is energy intensive” with ammonia production “mainly based on natural gas as a raw material and steam methane reforming … as the main technology.” Natural gas is split at high temperatures to obtain hydrogen and CO, and the hydrogen is then combined with atmospheric nitrogen to produce ammonia. This process “generates large quantities of CO.” The association foresees that under the right conditions “ammonia production could be based on decarbonised sources of energy.” Ammonia made using hydrogen from the electrolysis of water could be used not only in the manufacture of fertilisers, but in the wider chemicals industry, and more generally as a storable energy carrier with a near zero carbon footprint and multiple uses as fuel (Fertilizers Europe, 2020).

The relation between hydrogen and ammonia is discussed in a recent post on Energy Central, which points out that: “Paradoxically ammonia is a better carrier of hydrogen than hydrogen itself as its properties make transportation and storage straightforward. In some ways it makes more sense to transport hydrogen as ammonia, and then back to hydrogen” (Rattan, 2020). The connection between hydrogen and ammonia will not however be pursued further in the present post.  

Hydrogen and cement

A BBC Science and Environment article claimed that concrete “is the most widely used man-made material in existence. It is second only to water as the most-consumed resource on the planet.” (Rodgers, 2018). Cement is the key ingredient in concrete, and the report quotes Chatham House as stating that in “2016, world cement production generated around 2.2 billion tonnes of CO2 - equivalent to 8% of the global total.” Much of this comes from the calcination process - heating the raw materials to high temperatures to split them into calcium oxide and CO2.

One of the projects intended to reduce the amount of CO2 from cement manufacture stems from a government-funded feasibility study in 2019 which found that a combination of 70% biomass, 20% hydrogen and 10% plasma energy could be used to eliminate fossil fuel CO emissions from cement manufacturing. A UK government grant to the Mineral Products Association will be used to test the results of the study (Gerrard, 2020). The use of plasma energy in gas conversion is discussed by Bogaerts and Neyts (2018).

Some further projects based on hydrogen will be briefly outlined:

“In 2016, Northern Gas Networks, the gas distributer for the North of England, produced the H21 Leeds City Gate feasibility study. Based on a blueprint of the city of Leeds, this pioneering industry first concluded it was technically possible and economically viable to decarbonise the UK’s gas distribution networks by converting them from natural gas to 100% hydrogen.” (H21, 2020).

Northern Gas Networks, Cadent, SGN and Wales & West Utilities submitted a bid to Ofgem in 2017 for funding to provide evidence that the proposed conversion can be safely carried through. The bid to the Network Innovation Competition on behalf of UK gas networks was successful, and “H21 NIC is working to present the quantified safety evidence between natural gas and 100% hydrogen used within the existing GB as distribution networks.”

The BEIS Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply Competition resulted in funding for the five following projects; Dolphyn, HyNet, Gigastack, Acorn Hydrogen and HyPER (BEIS, 2020).

The Dolphyn project aims to produce hydrogen from offshore floating wind turbines in deep water locations. UK offshore wind power will be used to produce ‘green’ hydrogen by electrolysis of seawater, and pipe it directly to shore. A floating 10 MW wind turbine is envisaged, and the funding will enable the detailed design of a 2 MW prototype system (Dolphyn, 2020).

The HyNet project will develop a clean hydrogen production facility as part of the HyNet Cluster, using Johnson Matthey’s low carbon hydrogen technology for carbon capture and storage. This technology has become the basis for analysis by BEIS and the Committee on Climate Change (Hynet, 2020).

Gigastack will demonstrate the delivery of bulk, low-cost and zero-carbon hydrogen through gigawatt scale polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysers, manufactured in the UK. The project aims to dramatically reduce the cost of electrolytic hydrogen. This funding will enable ITM Power to work towards developing a system that uses electricity from Orsted’s Hornsea Two offshore wind farm to generate renewable hydrogen for the Phillips 66 Humber Refinery (Gigastack, 2020).

The Acorn Hydrogen Project will evaluate and develop an advanced reformation process, including assessment of Johnson Matthey’s low carbon hydrogen technology. This will deliver an energy and cost-efficient process for hydrogen production from North Sea Gas, while capturing and sequestering the associated CO2 emissions to prevent climate change. The funding will enable further engineering studies (Acorn, 2020).

The HyPER project led by Cranfield University proposes to develop a low carbon bulk hydrogen supply through pilot scale demonstration of the sorption enhanced steam reforming process, based on a novel technology invented by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI). This phase of the funding will enable the detailed design and build of the system at Cranfield University (HyPER, 2020).

Hydrogen may be seen as a partial solution to the problem of intermittency in renewable energy supply, since it can be stored, but there is a reciprocal relationship, since many of the roles which hydrogen could play in a low carbon economy depend on the growth of renewable energy as a way of providing very low cost electricity in quantity for electrolysis.


Acorn, 2020, “Acorn CCS & Acorn Hydrogen”, Pale Blue,


BEIS, 2020, Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply Competition, BEIS, Updated 23 April 2020


Bogaerts, A., and Neyts, E.C., (2018), “Plasma Technology: An Emerging Technology for Energy Storage”, ACS Energy Letters


Catalan, L.J.J. and Rezaei, E. (2019) ‘Coupled hydrodynamic and kinetic model of liquid metal bubble reactor for hydrogen production by noncatalytic thermal decomposition of methane’, Preprint, ResearchGate


Dolphyn, 2020, “Dolphyn Project Scoops £3.1M UK Clean Hydrogen Prize”, February 18, 2020, Offshore Energy


EERE, 2017, 5 Fast Facts about Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, October 2017,


EERE, 2017, 10 Things You Might Not Know About Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, October 2019,


EASA, undated, “Sustainable Aviation Fuels”, European Union Aviation Safety Agency


European Commission, 2020, “A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe”, July 2020


Fertilizers Europe, 2020

“Paving the way to green ammonia and low carbon fertilizers”


Gerrard, N., 2020, “Hydrogen power for cement production gets £6m boost”, 19 February 2020, Construction Manager


Gigastack, 2020, “Industrial Scale Renewable Hydrogen Project Advances to Next Phase”, 18 February 2020, Gigastack


Goodall, C., 2020, What We Need to Do Now, London, Profile Books Ltd. Available in a Kindle edition.

H21, 2020, Projects led by Northern Gas Networks


Haldane, J.B.S., 1923, DAEDALUS or Science and the Future, A paper read to the Heretics, Cambridge, on February 4th, 1923. (Transcribed by Cosma Rohilla Shalizi, Berkeley, California, 10 April 1993

Available at http://bactra.org/Daedalus.html

Homann, Q., 2019, “Hydrogen as a Clean Alternative in the Iron and Steel Industry” November 25, 2019, The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association


Hydrogen Europe, 2017, Hydrogen Storage


Hynet, 2020, “Hydrogen for energy”, February 2020, HyNet


HyPER, 2020, “New project examines hydrogen’s potential as clean fuel of the future”, Ida Vaisanen,1 March 2020, Icon


Lindstrand, 2019, ‘This Swedish scientist works towards fulfilling Siemens Energy's 2030 hydrogen pledge’, 2 August, 2019, Siemens Energy


MEED, 2019, “Realising the hydrogen economy”, Power Technology, 11 October 2019


Murray, J., 2020, “Zero-carbon hydrogen injected into gas grid for first time in groundbreaking UK trial”, Guardian, 24 Jan 2020


Northern Gas Networks, 2018, Hydrogen to heat homes: £14.9m for UK’s first trials on public gas network, updated 29th November 2018


Rattan, C., 2020, “Ammonia and Hydrogen”, Jul 17, 2020, Energy Central


RenewablesSA (undated)


Robb, D., 2019, “The Hydrogen Turbine”, Turbomachinery International April 2019


Robinson, T., 2020, ‘High time for hydrogen’, Royal Aeronautical Society, 6 January 2020


Rodgers, L., 2018, “Climate change: The massive CO2 emitter you may not know about”, 17 December 2018, BBC News


SHFCA, 2020, SGN H100: The World's First 100% Hydrogen Network For Fife Consumers, May 18, 2020, Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association


ScienceDirect, 2018, Hydrogen Engines,


Thompson, R., 2020, “Hydrogen: a future fuel for aviation?” Roland Berger


Wartsila, 2020, “Combustion Engine vs. Gas Turbine: Part Load Efficiency and Flexibility”,


Wikipedia, 2020, Hydrogen production




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