Ammonia as fuel


Ammonia is of interest in the context of global decarbonisation not only because it can be used as a carrier of hydrogen, but also because it can be a carbon-free fuel in its own right. Kobayashi et al. (2019) note the difficulties of transporting and storing hydrogen, and that ammonia, which is much easier to handle, “comprises 17.8% of hydrogen by mass and can be produced from renewable hydrogen and nitrogen separated from air.” Since ammonia has long been used “as a fertilizer, chemical raw material, and refrigerant” there is ample experience in its use. The paper explores the successful use of ammonia as fuel in gas turbines and in industrial furnaces, and discusses methods of overcoming problems associated with its use, such as low combustibility and the production of nitrogen oxides (NOx). The authors have a particular interest in ammonia as a means of satisfying Japan’s need for imported carbon-free fuel, following closure of all its nuclear power plants in 2011 after the Fukushima accident.

A technical review from Mitsubishi (2019) describes recent research on carbon dioxide-free energy in the context of Japan’s Strategic Innovation Promotion Program. CO2-free fuel will be needed “where it is difficult to use renewable energy and for use in fields such as transportation where CO2 capture and storage cannot be applied.” While hydrogen energy has in the past been studied in Japan for reasons of energy security, recent interest has been further motivated by “the purpose of preventing global warming”. Hydrogen can be transported in liquefied form, as organic hydride, and as a component of ammonia, which can be cracked to separate it into hydrogen and nitrogen using catalysts, but “can be used directly as a fuel in high temperature fuel cells, internal combustion engines” and gas turbines (David et al., 2016). The Mitsubishi report notes that when hydrogen and ammonia are prepared from fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal, CO2 capture and storage is necessary to avoid emission to the atmosphere. The production of hydrogen by electrolysis of water therefore becomes attractive if it can be done cheaply enough, and hydrogen made in this way and combined with atmospheric nitrogen using sustainable power produces ‘green’ ammonia. Much research has focused on the direct use of ammonia in gas turbines, reciprocating engines, boilers and industrial furnaces, and in solid oxide fuel cells. Ammonia becomes a liquid at -33°C under atmospheric pressure, or at ambient temperature under a pressure of 8.5 atmospheres, whereas hydrogen requires a much lower temperature to liquefy and consequently a large amount of energy is needed. Ammonia has disadvantages such as its smell and toxicity, and its main use may therefore be restricted to controlled areas “such as in power plants, factories and cargo vessels.” The report describes ammonia production from natural gas at a number of existing industrial facilities, along with CO2 capture and storage. It points out that ammonia is at present more expensive than coal, liquefied natural gas or crude oil on the basis of its calorific value, so that for it to be widely used as CO2-free fuel, it “seems that some political incentive is necessary in the early stages of introduction.”

“A Roadmap to the Ammonia Economy” is the title of a report on work supported by the Australian Research Council and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (MacFarlane et al., 2020). Australia’s energy situation is very different from that of Japan. It is one of the arid regions in which “solar insolation is optimum”, with the potential to produce large amounts of renewable electrical energy which could be used to make hydrogen by electrolysis. Given an adequate supply of water, this might allow Australia to export hydrogen to neighbouring countries, perhaps in the form of ammonia. According to the report, ammonia “produced from renewables is widely seen as viable liquid fuel replacement for many current-day uses of fossil fuels, including as a shipping bunker fuel, as a diesel substitute in transportation, as a replacement fuel in power turbines, and even as a potential jet fuel. The global transportation of ammonia by pipeline and bulk carrier is already a well-developed technology.” Three overlapping generations of production are foreseen; the first expands production using the present Haber-Bosch method, but with CO2 sequestration or offsets; the second moves the Haber-Bosch process “to renewable sources of hydrogen”, and the third uses direct electrochemical conversion of nitrogen to ammonia. The problem of water demand in ammonia production might be met through the use of seawater, either through desalination or directly through processes described in the report. Consideration is given to the capital costs of ammonia production; the safety of ammonia use (which is considered comparable with that of liquid natural gas); the cost of ammonia compared with liquid fossil fuels (considered comparable); its use in converted internal combustion engines, as a marine fuel, for power generation in off-grid situations, in gas turbines and in fuel cells. In view of the potential for a “substantial shift from an economy based on fossil carbon energy to one based on ammonia”, there is a discussion of the environmental impacts of the production and use of ammonia fuel, with the comment that it is “obviously important that humankind does not avoid one crisis revolving around CO2 emissions, by creating another crisis involving NH3 and NOx emissions.”

A report commissioned by Breakthrough Energy recommends a wide range of projects “to accelerate Europe’s recovery and pave the way to climate neutrality for Europe” (Capgemini, 2020). It recommends developing ammonia fuel for maritime propulsion primarily in the context of long distance freight transport, and cites a development project by the European ShipFC consortium. This project has EU backing and will allow an offshore vessel, Viking Energy, retrofitted with a 2MW ammonia fuel cell, to sail on the clean fuel for up to 3,000 hours annually, thus demonstrating the feasibility of long-range zero-emission voyages with larger ships. The ammonia fuel cell system is expected to be installed in Viking Energy in late 2023 (FCH, 2020).

Hansson et al., (2020), attempt to “assess the prospects for ammonia as a future fuel for the shipping sector in relation to other marine fuels.” They review the literature on ammonia including “production pathways, costs, and environmental impact”, and note that while ammonia “has been demonstrated as a fuel in compression ignition (CI) engines, spark ignition (SI) engines, and fuel cells” there has as yet been no commercialized marine operation of “ammonia driven propulsion technologies”. However one previous study sees hydrogen, methanol, and ammonia as providing “pathways to climate-neutral shipping by 2050” for the cargo sector. A detailed consideration of a range of criteria including “availability, cost, energy density, technical maturity, and environmental impact” of ammonia compared with other fuels leads them to conclude that in the long term, “the use of hydrogen represents a more cost-effective option for the shipping sector than ammonia”, but that on shorter time scales “ammonia may be almost as interesting for shipping related stakeholders as hydrogen and various biomass-based fuels”, although many issues will need to be resolved before it can be used on a large scale.

Bruce et al. (2020), consider the use in aviation of hydrogen-based fuels, including ammonia. They note that an extensive infrastructure for production and transport already exists, and that ammonia need only be lightly pressurized to be liquid at ambient temperatures, and can be transferred from the storage facility with relative ease. Pressurised ammonia has a high specific energy density but this may require redesign of on-board storage. Like other writers they note the toxicity of ammonia, its high ignition temperature, and that combustion produces not only water, but also nitrous oxides (NOx). They also state that while “fuels such as ammonia and methanol … are likely to require fewer changes to airframe and engine design … when compared to kerosene, these fuels have a poor energy density by volume”  and this can limit their competitiveness in long haul air travel.

Ammonia fuel may have a place in longer distance aviation as an element in a hybrid fuel system. Since a great deal of the total energy necessary for a flight is used in take-off and in reaching cruising height, ammonia might be used directly as fuel in these flight stages, with another power source, such as fuel-cell driven electric motors, for cruising and landing. Much work on such systems has assumed that they will be hydrogen powered, but since the findings may be relevant to ammonia-based hybrid power, brief mention is included here. Airbus recently released three concepts for hydrogen-based zero-emission aircraft, including a turboprop design; the largest seats up to 200 passengers, and the greatest range is more than 2000 nautical miles (Airbus, 2020). A hybrid hydrogen/electric system is outlined by Ceurstemont (2020), who cites research including that of an EU consortium aimed at “supporting the demonstration of radical aircraft configurations”. The HASTECS project aims to provide design tools for the development of hybrid aircraft, concentrating on the problem of optimising the overall hybrid power chain (HASTECS, 2019).



Airbus (2020), Airbus reveals new zero-emission concept aircraft, press release, 21 September 2020

Bruce et al., 2020, Opportunities for hydrogen in commercial aviation

Bruce S, Temminghoff M, Hayward J, Palfreyman D, Munnings C, Burke N, Creasey S, CSIRO

Capgemini, 2020, “F I T  F O R  N E T - Z E R O : 55 Tech Quests to accelerate Europe’s recovery and pave the way to climate neutrality”, Capgemini Invent

Ceurstemont, S., 2020, “How hybrid electric and fuel aircraft could green air travel”, Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine Nov. 10, 2020

David, B., et al., 2016, Cracking ammonia, NH3 Fuel Conference 2016

FCH, 2020, “Major project to convert offshore vessel to run on ammonia-powered fuel cell”, FCH (press release)

Hansson et al., 2020, “The Potential Role of Ammonia as Marine Fuel—Based on Energy Systems Modeling and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis”, Hansson J., S Brynolf, S., Fridell, E., Lehtveer, M., Sustainability, 2020

HASTECS, (2019), Hybrid Aircraft; academic reSearch on Thermal and Electrical Components and Systems, CORDIS EU research results

Kobayashi et al., (2019), “Science and technology of ammonia combustion”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Volume 37, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 109-133!

MacFarlane et al., 2020, “A Roadmap to the Ammonia Economy”, Joule j.joule.2020.04.004

Mitsubishi, 2019, “CO2-Free Energy (Ammonia)”, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Technical Review Vol. 56 No. 1


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