Integration of Energy Systems



O’Malley et al. (2016) proposed the definition that “Energy Systems Integration (ESI) is the process of coordinating the operation and planning of energy systems across multiple pathways and/or geographical scales to deliver reliable, cost effective energy services with minimal impact on the environment.”

The vectors which transfer energy from its source to where it is needed, usually at a distance and often at a later time, include electricity, fuels such as oil and gas, and heat-exchanging materials such as the fluids in a central heating system.  O’Malley et al. stress the interaction between the different energy vectors, and with transport, water and communications systems. They note that every energy system is different, that the people involved in such systems have different motivations, incentives, and information, and that “there may be no coordination across these domains to determine the best option for all actors involved.” The authors identify three areas of opportunity: streamlining existing energy systems: finding synergies “between energy domains and across spatial scales”; and empowering the consumer “whether through their investment decisions, their active participation, or their decisions to shift energy modes.”

Streamlining can involve restructuring, reorganizing, and modernizing; institutional involvement in policies, regulations, and markets; and investment in infrastructure. Existing synergies have included “the coupling of heat and electricity sectors” in combined heat and power projects, but “at a grand scale” ESI proposes that “fuel, thermal, water, and transport systems will be systematically planned, designed, and operated as flexible “virtual storage” resources for the electricity grid (and vice versa).” (Virtual storage refers to the flexibility of one part of a system being integrated with another part; Cheng, Sami, and Wu (2017) provide a discussion of methods). Empowering implies engaging the consumer in actions such as improving home energy efficiency and demand reduction, and adopting new modes of transport, such as electric vehicles. The authors note in their conclusions that ESI solutions “can require expertise from a single discipline or from a multitude of disciplines.”

The wide range of ESI is suggested by a report from the Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF, 2020). Modernization of the electricity grid involves the integration of distributed energy resources (such as wind, solar, hydro and biomass sources, battery storage facilities and fuel cells) and improving grid resilience and reliability in the face of “all malicious threats, natural disasters, and other systemic risks.”

Representing in data the grid and what it is connected to it is part of this process, and one of the projects described is the development of “load profiles representing all major end uses, building types, and climate regions in the U.S.” A study at an even larger scale aims at modelling and analysis of “the interconnection of U.S., Canada, and Mexico power systems”, while another at city level seeks “to estimate the impacts of Los Angeles’s transition to an all-renewable electricity service capability by 2045”.   A project on generation is described which aims to “optimize utility-scale hybrid power plants down to the component level” exploring the potential for wind and solar technologies to “take advantage of their often complementary generation profiles and shared infrastructure”.

Forecasting is an important part of ESI: in the long term it can address the evolution of a power system to serve demands arising from new technologies in the buildings, transportation, and industrial sectors; and in the short term “high-quality, probabilistic forecasting systems” can also “directly contribute to the integration of PV generation on the grid”.  Energy security and resilience can be improved using grid data analytics and visualization methods to represent grid activity and by modelling threats to electric and gas infrastructure, such as earthquakes and movements of the polar vortex; by improving defences against cybersecurity threats; and by using “microgrid technologies with largescale energy storage” to protect vital installations.

Battery energy storage systems have been studied in residential applications, particularly how the system’s thermal characteristics affect performance; and also in hybrid battery stacks where different types of battery are used in combination. Research is reported on the inverters used to convert stored energy to usable power microgrids.  Hydrogen and other fuels which are regarded as renewable store energy, and work is described on improving the electrolysis of hydrogen and methods of handling it when used in fuel cells.

Supercomputers have been used in a range of topics including the problems of plastics pollution, reducing the cost of biofuels and other bio-derived products, improving materials used in solar energy conversion and in lithium-sulphur batteries, and in catalyst development. Solutions to the challenges of fast-charging electric commercial vehicle fleets have been explored with a view to reducing operational bottlenecks. Topics in fluid dynamics requiring advanced computing include improving wind turbine efficiency through studying the wake interactions. Computational studies of distillation processes in the chemical industry offer the prospect of substantial reductions in energy use. Artificial Intelligence techniques such as machine learning algorithms are cited in connection with operating and controlling “a power system with up to tens of millions of solar energy arrays”; changing the topology of a grid system “for optimal configuration if it is damaged”; optimizing energy efficiency of buildings; predicting the properties of new materials; controlling distributed wind power plant; predicting the behaviour of geothermal energy systems; and predicting and controlling grid voltage and frequency.

A brief paper on the integration of multiple energy systems in China, published on the website of the Energy Systems Integration Group, provides examples of integration methods appropriate to different geographical regions (Zhang, Wang and Kang, 2018). Four regions of China “have different resource endowments and energy demands, thus facing different challenges or bottlenecks to fully accommodate renewable energy”. In northeast China, the inflexibility of heat demand leads to “huge wind power curtailment”. The problem has been alleviated through the widespread adoption of electric boilers, which provide heat storage for space heating. Energy demand in China is greatest in the south east, where energy efficiency has been improved through the integration of heat pumps, absorption chillers, combined heat and power systems, and ice storage air conditioning systems. Northwest China has ideal locations for concentrated solar power installations, and “a part of the collected solar energy is used to drive a steam turbine directly, while the remaining energy is stored in the heat storage which will be used to generate electricity at night or during cloudy weather.” China claims about a quarter of the world’s hydropower capacity, but at times this is subject to curtailment, particularly in the southwest. Here surplus hydropower can be used to produce hydrogen by electrolysis, with the hydrogen injected into the natural gas system, and used in industrial processes and in vehicles.

The problems of integrating energy systems in the UK are inseparable from its plans to achieve a net zero energy system (BEIS, 2021). The “smarter, more flexible system” that is envisaged “will utilise technologies such as energy storage and flexible demand”, which will “need to be seamlessly integrated onto our energy system” to meet energy needs and reach a carbon neutral future. The energy sources to be integrated may include new large-scale nuclear plant and a number of small modular reactors; more onshore wind and solar renewable sources; new offshore wind (including floating wind turbines); and low-carbon fuel alternatives such as hydrogen and biofuels. The industrial transition to net zero energy may involve the creation of new economic hubs at sites with access to low carbon energy, and also facilities for the capture and reuse or storage of CO2.  Plans to reduce the use of natural gas for heating buildings may involve the use of hydrogen as a partial or complete replacement, and require the widespread deployment of heat pumps. Greater use of electricity for heating, and the electrification of transport will increase the amount of energy carried by the electricity grid, and make necessary the deployment of “new flexibility measures, including electricity storage, that aim to respond to consumer demand whilst also ensuring a stable and efficient grid.” The stated ambitions to fund the development of sustainable aviation fuel and to decarbonise the maritime sector clearly also have implications for infrastructure.

Another perspective on the integration of energy systems is provided by a document from the European Commission (EUR-Lex, 2020a), which notes that the “recent decline in the cost of renewable energy technologies, the digitalisation of our economy and emerging technologies in batteries, heat pumps, electric vehicles or hydrogen offer an opportunity to accelerate, over the next two decades, a profound transformation of our energy system and its structure”, necessary in order to meet the goal of climate neutrality by 2050. The existing energy system is still “built on several parallel, vertical energy value chains, which rigidly link specific energy resources with specific end-use sectors”, a model which is “technically and economically inefficient, and leads to substantial losses in the form of waste heat and low energy efficiency.” The authors recognise that Member States have different starting points in the process of integration, and that regulatory and practical barriers remain, making necessary “concrete policy and legislative measures at EU level”.

Energy system integration is seen to have three main strands: a core of energy efficiency in a ‘circular’ system in which “unavoidable waste streams are reused for energy purposes, and synergies are exploited across sectors”;  greater direct electrification of end-use sectors, such as “using heat pumps for space heating or low-temperature industrial processes, electric vehicles for transport, or electric furnaces in certain industries”; and “the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels, including hydrogen, for end-use applications where direct heating or electrification are not feasible, not efficient or have higher costs.” 

Implementation will involve applying an ‘energy-efficiency-first’ principle “consistently across the whole energy system”; remedying the present situation in which “local energy sources are insufficiently or not effectively used in our buildings and communities”; and making use of the currently untapped resources of waste water and biological waste for “bioenergy production, including biogas.”

Electrification of energy demand, “building on a largely renewables-based power system” is likely to result in the share of electricity in final energy consumption moving “towards 50% by 2050”.  Offshore wind is seen as part of the solution, with an EU potential of “between 300-450 GW by 2050”. Such development could allow “the nearby localisation of electrolysers for hydrogen production, including the possible reuse of the existing infrastructure of depleted natural gas fields.” Heat pumps are expected to play a large part in space heating and cooling of buildings and in the decarbonisation of low temperature heat supply in industrial processes.  Electrification at scale implies the need for training and new skills, upgrades to the local grid infrastructure, and rationalisation of taxes and levies on electricity, which in many EU Member States “are higher than for coal, gas or heating oil”.

The existing gas network is seen as having the capacity to “integrate renewable and low-carbon gases” and in some cases it may be economical to repurpose it for hydrogen applications such as transporting renewable hydrogen from offshore renewable electricity facilities. “Ports could transform into centres receiving electricity produced offshore, as well as liquid hydrogen”, so contributing to global trade in renewable hydrogen or synthetic fuels. The role of hydrogen in reaching carbon neutrality is developed in a separate document, “A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe” (EUR-Lex, 2020b).

Since increasing interdependencies mean that “disruptions in one sector can have an immediate impact on operations in others” security for both physical and digital infrastructures becomes more important: while digitalisation supports energy systems integration, for example by helping to interlink energy flows and match supply and demand, it also presents challenges in terms of cybersecurity, and also in privacy and ethics.


BEIS, 2021, Transitioning to a net zero energy system Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan 2021, BEIS, July 2021, online, accessed 22 Feb 2022

Cheng, M., Sami, S., and Wu, J., 2017, Benefits of using virtual energy storage system for power system frequency response, Applied Energy, Volume 194, 15 May 2017, Pages 376-385, online, accessed 28 Feb 2022

ESIF, 2020, Annual Report, Energy Systems Integration Facility, online, accessed 16 Feb 2022

EUR-Lex, 2020a, Powering a climate-neutral economy: An EU Strategy for Energy System Integration, European Commission, online, accessed 19 Feb 2022

EUR-Lex, 2020b, A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe, European Commission, online, accessed 19 Feb 2022

O’Malley, M., et al., 2016, Energy Systems Integration: Defining and Describing the Value Proposition, International Institute for Energy Systems Integration, online, accessed 19 Feb 2022

Zhang, N., Wang Y., and Kang, C., 2018, Integrating Multiple Energy Systems to Accommodate High Penetration of Renewable Energy in China, Energy Systems Integration Group, online, accessed 21 Feb 2022


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